Our Lawn Care Blog

Interested in learning more about lawn care? Want tips to keep pests out of your home? Read our blog to find tips and tricks from the experts at Custom Turf!

brown patches in a lawn
How To Get Rid of Brown Patch Fungus on Your Lawn

A vibrant green lawn is what everyone desires year around. However, the presence of brown spots can ruin the beauty of your landscape and become an ongoing source of frustration for homeowners. However, you can fight back against turf diseases and restore the healthy, green lawn you deserve.

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Guide To Fleas in Your Lawn

Fleas are small, blood-sucking parasites that thrive in warm and humid environments. While fleas are usually associated with pets, they can also infest homeowners' lawns, making it uncomfortable for people to enjoy their outdoor spaces. In this blog, we will discuss the signs and symptoms of flea infestations in homeowners' lawns, the causes of flea infestations, and ways to get rid of them.

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dandelion spreading
How to Get Rid of Weeds in Grass

Weeds in grass can be a frustrating problem for homeowners and gardeners. These unwanted plants can quickly spread and compete with desirable grass for nutrients, water, and sunlight. To effectively get rid of weeds, it's important to understand the different types and methods to get rid of them once and for all.

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summer lawn
Summer Lawn Care Tips For Pittsburgh

Summer weather in Western Pennsylvania puts a lot of stress on your lawn. Maintaining a beautiful lawn can be difficult during the height of summer. Try these tips for keeping your lawn in tip-top shape as the temperatures rise.

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How To Prepare Your Lawn For The Winter

Winter is just around the corner, and there’s work to be done before the snowfalls. While many homeowners think that their lawn requires less attention in the fall because the grass doesn’t grow as rapidly, this is a misconception.

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Lawn Care Guide For Beginner's

Are you starting up a lawn care routine for the very first time? If you are a new homeowner, or if this is your first time being in charge of your own lawn care, maintaining and caring for your landscape may seem daunting – where do you even begin? After all, your yard is the first thing that people see when they come to your home, and you want to make sure that it makes a good first impression.

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