How Snow Affects The Health of Your Lawn

As if the bitter cold temperatures and shoveling from snow isn’t enough, it can also be devastating to your lawn. Fortunately, your local lawn experts at Custom Turf want to help you through this tough snowy season. Here’s a list of things to watch out for and what you can do to stop them from happening!
Snow Mold Kills Grass
Yes, snow causes mold on your lawn! Snow mold is a type of fungal disease that develops under snow cover. When spring arrives and the snow has melted away, you will see discolored patches on the grass. While you can’t stop the snow from falling, you can prevent it from piling up in your yard. Once your kids are down building a snowman or building a snow fort, don’t forget to un-pile it all once the fun is over!
Grass Goes Dormant
As the temperature cools, your grass may begin to lose some of its green, vibrant colors and turn slightly golden brown. The color changes because the winter weather sends your grass into dormancy. With this in mind, be sure to plant your grass seeds before the snowfall begins to prevent the snow from halting grass seed germination. Seeding eliminates bald spots in your yard and strengthens your lawn for the spring. No bald spots mean no room for unsightly summer weeds!
Ice Rips Your Yard Apart
As beautiful as it is when temps freeze and your backyard turns into a winter wonderland, this can cause major damage to your grass. Frozen grass is brittle and weak, making it susceptible to damage from foot traffic in your yard. Avoid walking through your lawn as much as possible during the winter months to avoid any major damage to your turf.
Time To Call In The Professionals?
Protecting your lawn from winter weather is hard work. Let the lawn care professionals at Custom Turf take care of all your needs! We will ensure your yard is ready for spring and will stay healthy & vibrant all season long! With over 30 years of servicing lawns for Pittsburgh homeowners, we have the effective treatments you need & the quality results you deserve!